On Thursday, 21 May Le Revenu magazine held its annual awards ceremony for the best Sicavs and funds of 2015 at the Tribunal de Commerce (commercial court) in Paris. The awards were for the best financial management performances over three years up to 31 March 2015 as calculated by Morningstar.
Swiss Life won three trophies for having the best selections over three years in the insurance company category:
- Trophée d'Argent (Silver Trophy) for global performance over three years
- Trophée d'Or (Gold Trophy) for the best selection of International Bond funds over three years
- Trophée d'Argent (Silver Trophy) for the best selection of European Equity funds over three years
These trophies are in recognition of the performances of the UCITS managed by Swiss Life Asset Managers and Swiss Life Gestion Privée, which are eligible for unit-linked life insurance contracts.
For the best individual funds of all the management companies, the Fixed income credit fund SLF (F) Bond Euro Corporate received the:
- Trophée d'Argent (silver trophy) for the best Euro bond fund over three years.

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