The real estate and infrastructure fund products of Swiss Life Asset Managers achieved very good results in the GRESB benchmark analysis for 2020. An infrastructure fund achieved the best rating in its peer group.

Swiss Life Asset Managers participated in the GRESB 2021 Sustainability Benchmark with 22 real estate funds and vehicles and has significantly improved overall ratings: The number of Green Star funds has doubled from 9 to 18. The majority of investment solutions achieved ratings of between 70 and 80 points (out of a maximum of 100).

As far as infrastructure funds are concerned, Swiss Life Asset Managers participated with two investment solutions. One sub-fund was able to significantly improve its sustainability performance. The second fund, which was submitted for the first time, was named Infrastructure Fund Sector Leader by GRESB. 

"We are very pleased that GRESB has recognised our commitment to sustainable real estate and infrastructure investments. The stricter requirements imposed by GRESB every year are an incentive for us to make further improvements," says Nelufer Ansari, Head ESG at Swiss Life Asset Managers.

Swiss Life Asset Managers has been participating in the GRESB sustainability benchmark analysis for some years1). For the proprietary real estate portfolio, 82% of assets under management are now in the scope of GRESB. The figure for the Swiss portfolio is already 100%. With regard to the entire portfolio, 65% of the CHF 77.7 billion in real estate assets (as of 31 December 2020) are thus in the scope of GRESB.

Responsible investing at Swiss Life Asset Managers
Sustainable investments are deeply embedded in the corporate DNA of Swiss Life Asset Managers. In the last few years, Swiss Life Asset Managers has developed a comprehensive ESG concept and approach to responsible investing. More on this in the Responsible Investment Report.


1) Swiss Life Asset Managers has been a member of GRESB (Global Real Estate Sustainability Benchmark) since 2018. GRESB is a leading industry-driven organisation that prepares annual assessments of the performance of real estate funds and real estate companies on the basis of environmental, social and governance factors. Assessments use an integrated approach allowing the sustainability analysis to take account of so-called “performance indicators” alongside general and qualitative issues. The real estate portfolios are evaluated using these indicators on the basis of their consumption of water and energy and their emissions of greenhouse gases and waste, among other things.

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